03-05-2023 : 769 Pharmacists work as Medical Representative, of which 39 work as Senior Medical Representative * 02-06-2020 : 216 non Pharmacists work as Medical Representative, and 54 work as Senior Medical Representative * 05-06-2023 : In Lebanon, 88 generic medicinal products are more expensive than their Originators * 31-12-2019 : A medicinal product refused in Europe is marketed in Lebanon * 05-06-2023 : At least 332 medicinal products are available on the Lebanese market and are not available in the country of origin * 05-06-2023 : The price of the most expensive medicine available in Lebanon is 30434557 LL * 05-06-2023 : At least 1309 medicinal products are more expensive in Lebanon than in the countries of origin * 01-01-2019 : Daktavira, a generic of Daklinza, is registered in Lebanon but has no public price * 31-12-2019 : 352 medicinal products have been declared as non-marketed or withdrawn * 09-11-2021 : 64.72% of lebanese pharmacists are female * 31-12-2019 : 486 medicines were submitted to the Ministry of Health for a marketing authorization, and 514 medicines were registered to date * 15-06-2018 : The Minister of Public Health, has decided to suspend the commercialization of AB Slim (Ab Care Medical Herbs), which contains sibutramine, sildenafil and phenolphthalein * 01-06-2020 : Some Non-Marketed medicines are still imported * 01-06-2020 : Ixempra, a medicinal product withdrawn in Europe is imported to lebanon * 01-06-2020 : A vaccine made in India, removed from WHO list of prequalified vaccines, is submitted for registration in Lebanon * 01-06-2020 : Lebanon has 14 CROs, and is ranked as one of the largest countries in the world in clinical studies. According to the WHO, 817 clinical studies are currently conducted in Lebanon. * 05-01-2021 : * 01-10-2023 : Adakveo is now withdrawn from use in the European Union due to lack of therapeutic efficacy *
Imozet : | |
Type | Medicine Authorised |
Originator | Velcade 3.5mg |
Agent | Mediterranean Pharmaceutical Company |
Distributor | Mediterranean Pharmaceutical Company |
Laboratory | Accord HealthCare |
Responsible Party | Accord Healthcare Limited |
Origin | U.S.A. |
Manufacturer | Accord healthcare Limited |
Manufacturing Type | G |
Origin | UK |
ATC | L01XX32 |
Imozet :
Imozet :
Imozet :
Imozet :
Imozet :
Hazard Level |
◼ Major |
◼ Moderate |
◼ Minor |
◼ Safe |
Imozet :
Frequency | Percentage |
Very Common | ≥ 1/10 |
Common | ≥ 1/100 - < 1/10 |
Uncommon | ≥ 1/1,000 - < 1/100 |
Rare | ≥ 1/10,000 - < 1/1,000 |
Very Rare | < 1/10,000 |
Unknown | Cannot be Estimated |
Effect | Frequency |
Abdominal discomfort | Uncommon |
Abdominal distension | Common |
Abdominal pain | Common |
Abnormal ECG | Rare |
Abnormal faeces | Rare |
Acidosis | Rare |
Acne | Uncommon |
Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis (Sweet's syndrome) | Uncommon |
Acute kidney injury | Uncommon |
Acute pulmonary oedema | Uncommon |
Acute respiratory distress syndrome | Rare |
Adjustment disorder | Rare |
Alcohol intolerance | Rare |
Amnesia | Uncommon |
Amyloidosis | Rare |
Anaemia | Very Common |
Anal fissure | Rare |
Anal sphincter atony | Rare |
Anaphylactic reactions | Uncommon |
Anaphylactic shock | Rare |
Angina pectoris | Uncommon |
Angina unstable | Rare |
Angioedema (Angioneurotic oedema) (Quincke oedema) | Uncommon |
Anxiety disorder | Common |
Aplasia | Rare |
Apnoea (Apnea) | Rare |
Arrhythmia | Uncommon |
Arthritis | Uncommon |
Ascites | Rare |
Asthenia | Very Common |
Atelectasis | Rare |
Atrial fibrillation | Uncommon |
Atrial flutter | Rare |
Atrioventricular block (AVB) | Rare |
Autonomic nervous system imbalance (Autonomic instability) | Rare |
Autonomic neuropathy | Rare |
Azotaemia | Uncommon |
Bacteraemia | Uncommon |
Bacterial infection | Uncommon |
Benign neoplasm | Rare |
Bladder irritation | Rare |
Blindness | Not known |
Blister | Uncommon |
Blood disorder | Rare |
Blood gases abnormal | Rare |
Blood glucose abnormal | Common |
Blood test abnormal | Uncommon |
Blood uric acid abnormal | Uncommon |
Bone disorder | Rare |
Bradycardia | Uncommon |
Brain stem syndrome | Rare |
Breast disorder female | Rare |
Bronchial disorder | Rare |
Bronchospasm | Uncommon |
Budd-Chiari syndrome | Rare |
C-reactive protein increased | Uncommon |
Cardiac failure | Uncommon |
Cardiac fibrillation | Uncommon |
Cardiac tamponade | Uncommon |
Cardiac valve disorders | Rare |
Cardio-respiratory arrest | Uncommon |
Cardiogenic shock | Rare |
Cardiomyopathy | Uncommon |
Cardiovascular disorders | Rare |
Catheter site pain | Rare |
Cellulitis | Uncommon |
Cerebral haemorrhage | Rare |
Cerebral oedema (Brain oedema) | Rare |
Cerebrovascular accident | Uncommon |
Cerebrovascular disorders | Rare |
Change of bowel habit | Rare |
Cheilitis | Rare |
Chest discomfort | Uncommon |
Chest pain | Uncommon |
Chills | Common |
Cholelithiasis (Calculus biliary) (Gallstones) | Rare |
Cholestasis | Uncommon |
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease | Uncommon |
Chronic renal insufficiency (Renal failure chronic) | Uncommon |
Circulatory collapse | Uncommon |
Clostridium difficile colitis | Uncommon |
Coagulopathy | Uncommon |
Cognitive disorder | Rare |
Cold sweat | Rare |
Colitis | Uncommon |
Colitis ischaemic | Uncommon |
Coma | Rare |
Complication associated with device | Uncommon |
Confusional state | Uncommon |
Conjunctivitis | Common |
Constipation | Very Common |
Contusion | Uncommon |
Corneal lesion | Rare |
Coronary artery insufficiency | Rare |
Cough | Common |
Cranial nerve paralysis | Rare |
Cushing's syndrome | Uncommon |
Cytomegalovirus hepatitis | Rare |
Dacryoadenitis acquired | Rare |
Deafness | Not known |
Death | Rare |
Decreased appetite | Very Common |
Decubitus ulcer | Uncommon |
Deep vein thrombosis | Uncommon |
Dehydration | Common |
Delirium | Rare |
Dermatitis | Uncommon |
Device related infection | Uncommon |
Diabetes mellitus | Uncommon |
Diarrhoea (Diarrhea) | Very Common |
Diplopia | Uncommon |
Discomfort | Uncommon |
Disseminated intravascular coagulation | Rare |
Disturbance in attention | Uncommon |
Dizziness | Common |
Drooling | Rare |
Dry eye | Uncommon |
Dry skin | Common |
Dry throat | Rare |
Dysacusis | Uncommon |
Dysaesthesia | Very Common |
Dysguesia (taste perversion) (Taste abnormality) (Taste disturbance) | Common |
Dyskinesia | Uncommon |
Dyspepsia | Common |
Dysphagia | Uncommon |
Dysphonia | Uncommon |
Dyspnoea (dyspnea) | Common |
Ear discomfort | Uncommon |
Ear disorder | Rare |
Ear haemorrhage | Rare |
Ear infection | Uncommon |
Ecchymosis | Uncommon |
ECG QT prolonged | Rare |
Encephalopathy | Uncommon |
Enteritis | Uncommon |
Enzyme abnormality | Common |
Epididymal tenderness | Rare |
Epididymitis | Rare |
Epistaxis (Nasal bleeding) | Common |
Epstein-Barr virus infection | Rare |
Erectile dysfunction | Uncommon |
Erythema | Common |
Erythema multiforme | Uncommon |
Erythromelalgia | Rare |
Erythrosis | Rare |
Exophthalmos (Bulging eyes) | Rare |
Extravasation | Uncommon |
Eye discharge | Uncommon |
Eye disorder | Rare |
Eye haemorrhage | Uncommon |
Eye inflammation (Ocular inflammation) | Uncommon |
Eye irritation | Uncommon |
Eye pain | Uncommon |
Eye swelling | Common |
Eyelid disorder | Rare |
Eyelid infection | Uncommon |
Face injury | Rare |
Face oedema | Uncommon |
Faecal incontinence | Rare |
Failure to thrive | Uncommon |
Fall | Uncommon |
Fatigue | Very Common |
Febrile neutropenia (Neutropenic fever) | Uncommon |
Fecaloma | Rare |
Feeling cold | Uncommon |
Feeling of body temperature change | Uncommon |
Fistula | Rare |
Flatulence | Common |
Fluid overload | Rare |
Fluid retention | Uncommon |
Flushing | Uncommon |
Fracture | Rare |
Fungal infection | Common |
Gait disturbance | Uncommon |
Gastric pH decreased | Rare |
Gastritis | Uncommon |
Gastroduodenal haemorrhage | Common |
Gastrointestinal disorders | Uncommon |
Gastrointestinal inflammation | Uncommon |
Gastrointestinal motility disorder | Uncommon |
Gastrointestinal obstruction | Uncommon |
Gastrointestinal pain | Common |
Gastrointestinal ulceration and perforation | Rare |
Gastrooesophageal reflux disease | Uncommon |
General physical health deterioration | Uncommon |
Genital herpes | Rare |
Genital pain | Uncommon |
Gingival bleeding (Gingival hemorrhage) | Uncommon |
Gingival hyperplasia | Rare |
Gout | Rare |
Haematemesis | Uncommon |
Haematoma | Uncommon |
Haematuria (Hematuria) | Uncommon |
Haemolytic anemia | Uncommon |
Haemoptysis | Rare |
Haemorrhage | Uncommon |
Haemorrhage intracranial | Rare |
Haemorrhage subcutaneous | Rare |
Haemorrhagic diathesis | Rare |
Hair disorder | Uncommon |
Hallucination | Uncommon |
Hand and foot syndrome (Palmar-plantar erythrodysaesthesia syndrome) | Rare |
Headache | Very Common |
Hepatic enzyme abnormal | Common |
Hepatic failure (Hepatic insufficiency) (Liver failure) | Rare |
Hepatic haemorrhage | Rare |
Hepatitis | Uncommon |
Hepatitis B | Uncommon |
Hepatomegaly | Rare |
Hepatotoxicity (liver toxicity) | Uncommon |
Hernia | Rare |
Herpes simplex | Common |
Herpes virus infection | Uncommon |
Herpes zoster | Common |
Herpes zoster disseminated | Common |
Hiatus hernia | Rare |
Hiccups | Uncommon |
Hordeolum | Uncommon |
Hyperaemia | Uncommon |
Hyperbilirubinaemia | Uncommon |
Hypercalcaemia | Uncommon |
Hyperchloraemia | Rare |
Hyperhidrosis | Uncommon |
Hyperkalaemia | Uncommon |
Hypermagnesaemia | Rare |
Hypernatraemia | Uncommon |
Hyperphosphataemia | Rare |
Hypersensitivity | Uncommon |
Hypertension | Common |
Hyperthyroidism | Uncommon |
Hyperventilation | Rare |
Hyperviscosity syndrome | Rare |
Hypoacusis | Uncommon |
Hypocalcaemia | Common |
Hypocapnia | Rare |
Hypochloraemia | Rare |
Hypokalaemia | Common |
Hypomagnesaemia | Uncommon |
Hyponatraemia (Hyponatremia) | Common |
Hypophosphataemia | Uncommon |
Hypotension | Common |
Hypothyroidism | Rare |
Hypotonia (Muscle tone decreased) | Rare |
Hypovolaemia (Volume depletion) (Hypovolemia) | Rare |
Hypovolaemic shock | Uncommon |
Hypoxia | Uncommon |
Ichthyosis | Rare |
Ileus | Uncommon |
Impaired healing | Rare |
Inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH) | Uncommon |
Increased appetite | Rare |
Increased upper airway secretion | Rare |
Infection | Uncommon |
Influenza | Uncommon |
Injection site haemorrhage | Rare |
Injection site pain | Uncommon |
Injection site phlebitis | Rare |
Injection site reaction | Uncommon |
INR abnormal | Rare |
Interstitial pneumonitis | Rare |
Irritability | Rare |
Irritable bowel syndrome | Uncommon |
Jaw pain | Rare |
Jessner's lymphocytic infiltration | Rare |
Joint effusion | Rare |
Joint injury | Rare |
Joint stiffness | Uncommon |
Joint swelling | Uncommon |
Laceration | Rare |
Lacrimation increased (Epiphora) | Uncommon |
Left ventricular failure | Uncommon |
Lethargy | Common |
Leucopenia (Leukopenia) | Common |
Leukocytosis | Uncommon |
Libido decreased | Rare |
Lip pain | Rare |
Lip swelling | Uncommon |
Livedo reticularis | Rare |
Liver disorder | Uncommon |
Loss of consciousness | Common |
Lower respiratory tract infection | Common |
Lung infiltration (pulmonary infiltration) | Rare |
Lyell Syndrome (Toxic epidermal necrolysis) | Uncommon |
Lymphadenopathy | Uncommon |
Lymphocytic infiltration | Rare |
Lymphoedema | Rare |
Lymphopenia | Common |
Macrophage activation | Rare |
Malaise | Common |
Mass | Rare |
Mastoiditis | Rare |
Megacolon | Rare |
Meningitis | Rare |
Meningitis bacterial | Rare |
Meningoencephalitis herpetic | Uncommon |
Mental disorder | Uncommon |
Metabolic disorder | Rare |
Micturition disorder | Uncommon |
Migraine | Uncommon |
Mood disorders and disturbances | Common |
Motor dysfunction | Rare |
Mouth ulceration | Uncommon |
Mucous membrane disorder | Uncommon |
Multi-organ failure | Rare |
Muscle spasms | Common |
Muscle twitching (Muscle twitch) | Uncommon |
Muscle weakness | Common |
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue infections and inflammations | Rare |
Musculoskeletal pain | Very Common |
Myalgia | Not known |
Mycosis fungoides | Rare |
Myocardial infarction | Rare |
Myocardial ischaemia | Common |
Myopathy | Uncommon |
Nail disorders | Rare |
Nausea | Very Common |
Nausea and vomiting symptoms | Very Common |
Neoplasm malignant | Rare |
Nervous system disorder | Rare |
Neuralgia | Very Common |
Neuropathy peripheral | Very Common |
Neurotoxicity | Uncommon |
Neutropenia | Very Common |
Night sweats | Uncommon |
Non-cardiac chest pain | Rare |
Ocular hyperaemia | Uncommon |
Oedema | Common |
Oedema peripheral | Common |
Oesophagitis | Rare |
Oliguria | Uncommon |
Ophthalmic herpes zoster | Common |
Optic neuropathy | Rare |
Oral disorder | Common |
Oropharyngeal blistering | Rare |
Oropharyngeal pain | Common |
Orthopnoea | Rare |
Orthostatic hypotension | Common |
Pain | Common |
Pain in extremity (Pain in limb) | Common |
Pallor | Rare |
Palpitations | Uncommon |
Pancreatitis | Uncommon |
Pancreatitis acute | Rare |
Pancreatitis chronic | Uncommon |
Pancytopenia | Uncommon |
Papule | Rare |
Paraesthesia (paresthesia) | Not known |
Paralysis | Rare |
Paresis | Rare |
Parosmia | Uncommon |
Pelvic pain | Rare |
Pericardial effusion | Uncommon |
Pericarditis | Uncommon |
Periodontitis | Rare |
Peripheral embolism | Rare |
Peripheral motor neuropathy | Common |
Peripheral sensorimotor neuropathy | Uncommon |
Peripheral sensory neuropathy | Very Common |
Peripheral venous disease | Rare |
Perirenal haematoma | Uncommon |
Peritonitis | Rare |
Petechiae | Uncommon |
Phlebitis | Uncommon |
Photophobia | Rare |
Photopsia | Rare |
Photosensitivity reaction | Rare |
Pigmentation disorder | Uncommon |
Plasma cell leukaemia | Rare |
Platelet aggregation increased | Rare |
Platelet disorder | Rare |
Pleural effusion | Uncommon |
Pleurisy (Pleuritis ) | Uncommon |
Pneumonia | Common |
Pneumonitis | Rare |
Pneumothorax | Rare |
Pollakiuria (Urinary frequency) | Uncommon |
Polyneuropathy | Not known |
Poor peripheral circulation | Uncommon |
Post herpetic neuralgia | Uncommon |
Post viral fatigue syndrome | Rare |
Posterior reversible leukoencephalopathy syndrome (PRES) | Uncommon |
Presyncope | Rare |
Procedural pain | Rare |
Proctalgia | Rare |
Prostatitis | Rare |
Protein total abnormal | Uncommon |
Proteinuria | Uncommon |
Pruritus | Common |
Psoriasis | Uncommon |
Psychomotor hyperactivity (Psychomotor restlessness) | Rare |
Psychotic disorders | Uncommon |
Pulmonary alveolar haemorrhage | Uncommon |
Pulmonary embolism | Uncommon |
Pulmonary fibrosis | Rare |
Pulmonary hypertension | Rare |
Pulmonary oedema | Uncommon |
Purpura | Uncommon |
Pyrexia | Very Common |
Radiation injury | Rare |
Radiculopathy | Rare |
Rectal discharge | Rare |
Reflexes abnormal | Uncommon |
Renal cell carcinoma | Rare |
Renal impairment | Common |
Respiratory alkalosis | Rare |
Respiratory failure | Rare |
Respiratory tract congestion | Uncommon |
Restless legs syndrome | Uncommon |
Restlessness | Uncommon |
Retinitis | Rare |
Rhabdomyolysis | Rare |
Rhinorrhoea | Uncommon |
Right ventricular failure | Uncommon |
Salivary gland disorder | Uncommon |
Sciatica | Uncommon |
Seborrhoea | Rare |
Seizures | Uncommon |
Sensation of foreign body | Rare |
Sepsis (Systemic infection) (Sepsis state) | Uncommon |
Septic shock | Uncommon |
Sinus arrest (Sinus pause) | Rare |
Skin disorders | Rare |
Skin induration | Rare |
Skin infection | Uncommon |
Skin lesion | Uncommon |
Skin mass | Uncommon |
Skin rash | Very Common |
Skin reaction | Rare |
Skin ulcer | Rare |
Sleep disorders and disturbances | Common |
Speech disorder | Uncommon |
Spinal cord compression | Rare |
Staphylococcal bacteraemia | Uncommon |
Staphylococcal infection | Uncommon |
Stevens-Johnson syndrome | Uncommon |
Stomatitis | Common |
Subarachnoid haemorrhage | Rare |
Sudden death | Uncommon |
Suicidal ideation | Rare |
Syncope | Common |
Synovial cyst | Rare |
Tachycardia | Uncommon |
Tachypnoea | Rare |
Temporomandibular joint syndrome | Rare |
Tenderness | Rare |
Testicular disorder | Rare |
Thermal burn | Rare |
Thirst | Uncommon |
Throat irritation | Rare |
Throat tightness | Rare |
Thrombocytopenia (Thrombopenia) | Very Common |
Thrombocytopenic purpura | Rare |
Thrombocytosis | Rare |
Thrombophlebitis | Uncommon |
Thrombophlebitis superficial | Uncommon |
Tinnitus | Uncommon |
Tongue coated | Uncommon |
Tongue oedema | Rare |
Tonsillitis | Rare |
Tooth infection | Uncommon |
Torsade de pointes | Rare |
Toxic skin eruption | Uncommon |
Transfusion reaction | Rare |
Transient ischaemic attack | Rare |
Tremor | Uncommon |
Troponin I increased | Rare |
Tumour lysis syndrome | Uncommon |
Type III immune complex mediated reaction | Rare |
Ulcer | Rare |
Upper respiratory tract infection | Common |
Upper-airway cough syndrome | Rare |
Urinary retention | Uncommon |
Urinary tract infection | Uncommon |
Urinary tract signs and symptoms | Uncommon |
Urine analysis abnormal | Rare |
Urticaria | Uncommon |
Vaginal haemorrhage | Uncommon |
Vasculitis | Uncommon |
Vasodilation | Rare |
Vein discolouration | Rare |
Ventricular dysfunction | Uncommon |
Vertigo | Common |
Vestibular neuronitis | Rare |
Viral infection | Uncommon |
Virus identification and serology | Rare |
Visual disturbance | Common |
Visual field defect | Rare |
Vitamin B complex deficiency | Rare |
Vitamin B12 deficiency | Rare |
Vomiting | Very Common |
Vulval ulceration | Rare |
Weight decreased (Weight loss) | Common |
Weight increased (weight gain) | Uncommon |
Wheezing | Uncommon |
Imozet :
▲ Most Expensive |
▼ Least Expensive |
P.P. = | Public Price |
P/U = | Price Per Unit |
- Products with same active ingredients |
- Products with same strength |
- Products with same route of administration |
NB : Products With Same Indication |
Different Units By MoH Code
Imozet MoH 9477 :
Form | Powder for solution for injection |
Packaging | Bottle |
Package Size | Box of 1 |
Strength | 3.5mg |
Public Price | 9203618.12 L.L. |
Stratum | D |
NSSF | ✘ |
Quarantine | ✘ |
Reg. Number | 146117/1 |
Submission date | 10/05/2017 |
Registration Year | 14/03/2018 |
Price Comparison
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